Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moon Walking

My family and I have started Moon Walking!! (see here and here). So far it is only DH who has taken any photos. Last night we remembered to take the good camera with us, but we didn't take the tripod. Some pics turned out really good.....

but then others were more........ shall we say...... artistic???? Lol.

Still it was a lot of fun and we plan to do it regularly.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spider Play

This night orb spider spins it's web every night above Tony's car. I wanted to get a nice picture of him/her but there was a breeze and the web kept moving.
I got some snaps with some funny effects.

Spider play

He/She was also very busy catching bugs.

Spider play

Spider play

Spider play

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blue Mountains...............

Blue Mountains - crisp clear and gorgeous..............below are the "three Sisters"

then some scenery and native flowers.......

Snapped by Chookyblue

Chinese Gardens...........

I love the water features in Darling Harbour..........

I tried to catch this spider web at the Chinese Gardens..........

Snapped by Chookyblue

Thursday, January 7, 2010