Thursday, July 30, 2009


I have a thing for bees..............

Snapped by Chookyblue............


Jenny said...

Me too! Great shot!

Annie said...

I have a thing for grevillia's - I've planted one in my garden just for the purpose of photography!!

Alice said...

Let's hope our bees don't succumb to the overseas viruses and remain prolific and able to pollinate our flowers, trees and crops.

Lovely photo.

karenshopes said...

I Love bee's too. I would love a beehive,can you imagine getting your own honey. In the UK people
are being encouraged to have a small beehive in the garden or even on your balcony as bees are
at serious risk. I live in hope. I think I would be worried about the bee's stinging any of the neighbours children. I dont think I would be very popular.